*The contracts can be applied online or in the club (Saarbrücker Str. 4, 10405 Berlin) from 8:00-22:00 | It can be chosen between a Silver or Gold membership | Both contracts can be concluded with a minimum contract period of 12 months (called Silver-Contract or Gold-Contract) or of 1 month (Silver-Flex-Contract or. Gold-Flex-Contract) | The monthly membership fee for the Silver-Contract is 90€, for the Gold-Contract 110€, for the Silver-Flex-Contract 120€ and for the Gold-Flex-Contract 140€ | A one-time registration fee of 100€ is due | When concluding a Silver-Contract, the total price for the minimum contract period is 1.180€, for the Silver-Flex-Contract 220€, for the Gold-Contract 1.420€ and for the Gold-Flex-Contract i.H.v. 240€ | activation per replacement card 25 € | Silver-Contract and Silver-Flex-Contract entitle to use the Club JOHN REED Berlin Bötzow; the Gold-Contract resp. the Gold-Flex contract entitles to the use of all studios of the brand JOHN REED of the studio clusters 1-7 and the studios of the brand McFIT and Golds Gym, excluded is the use of John & Janes | If the membership contract is not cancelled at least 1 month before the end of the minimum contract period, it is extended for an indefinite period and can be cancelled with a notice period of 1 month | Excluded are persons who have not yet reached the age of 15 or persons who have not yet completed the minimum contract period. Excluded are persons who have not yet reached the age of 15 or are already members of Gold’s Gym, McFIT or JOHN REED| There is a 14-day statutory right of revocation for online contracts | All prices include VAT RSG Group GmbH, Tannenberg 4, 96132 Schlüsselfeld, Germany