
Legal notice

Responsible for the content of this website is the company under German law RSG Group GmbH with registered office in Schlüsselfeld, Tannenberg 4, 96132 (Germany), which is also the operator of the information on this page. In fulfillment of our
information obligation, we provide you with the relevant identification and contact information:

RSG Group Italia S.r.l.
Viale Fulvio Testi 29, 20162 Milano, Italia
VAT no: IT 071 0411 0965
Bamberg Commercial Register entry number: BZ – 202231
Tel: 0049 – 30 837 95500
E-mail: impressum(at)rsggroup.com

The services that McFIT offers in its fitness centers located in Italy are rendered by RSG Group Italia S.r.l., headquartered in Bolzano, Italy at Piazza
della Mostra 2, 39100 (Italy). In fulfillment of our information obligation, we provide you with the relevant identifying and
contact information:

RSG Group Italia S.r.l.
Registered office: Piazza della Mostra 2, 39100 Bolzano
Administrative headquarters: Viale Fulvio Testi 29, 20162 Milan, Italy
Tax code and registration number in the Commercial Register of Bolzano: 07104110965 VAT number: 07104110965
Switchboard: +39 – 02 3675 1920
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