Offer valid for 12-month memberships at JOHN REED Fitness Lyon Part-Dieu (Centre Commercial Westfield Part-Dieu, 17 Rue Docteur Bouchut, 69003 Lyon) from 31.01.25 to 05.02.25 or online at | The last 2 months (11th & 12th month), no monthly fee is due | From the 1st month of contract, the monthly fee for JOHN REED Fitness membership is €65 for Gold membership with 12-month commitment & €45 for Silver membership with 12-month commitment |The registration fees (free) are €0 | After expiry of the minimum commitment period, the monthly fee may be increased once a year by €2 (cluster 1-5) or €4 (from cluster 6) per completed contract year |The membership contract may be terminated for the first time on expiry of the minimum commitment period with one month’s notice, then during the indefinite term with the same notice at any time| The JR Lyon Gold membership includes : all clubs (possibility of training in all clubs of the same cluster or lower level: John Reed Fitness, High 5, McFit & Gold’s Gym) | The JR Lyon Silver membership is: one club (possibility of training only in the JOHN REED Fitness Lyon Part-Dieu club) |
General terms and conditions of sale and internal regulations apply in the sports club | More information on johnreed. fitness/fr | Persons under 15 years of age or who are already members of JOHN REED Fitness are excluded | For subscriptions taken out online, there is a legal right of withdrawal of 14 days | Offer cannot be combined with any other current offer | All prices include VAT | Supplier: RSG Group France, 2 rue du Bouloi, 75001 – Paris | France